Using this App

Everything you need to know while using WooMe

    The #1 rule to follow while using the App: RESPECT YOUR PARTNER. The communication between you and your partner is fundamentally based on trust and respect. In order to fully enjoy your sexual experience together and increase your knowledge and skills, you must respect one another’s boundaries and timelines.

The App is designed to help partners expand their sexual horizons, but only when each participant is ready to commit. It is okay to not like everything you try. Some things that may initially feel uncomfortable or awkward might later become one of you and your partner’s favorite activities. The object is to learn and discover new things together to see what you enjoy. This will provide you with multiple options and tools to choose from when having sex.

It’s important to be patient with yourself and with your significant other. Do not get frustrated if your partner rejects a certain activity. Just because they reject a particular event, does not mean they are rejecting you. The App provides dozens of ideas to choose from that will satisfy both parties involved. Things to remember:

  • Respect your partner
  • Expand your horizons, but only when ready
  • It’s ok not to like everything
  • Learn the things you and your partner like, so there will always be plenty of options (you probably share more in common than you realize)
  • Don’t get frustrated if your partner rejects a particular activity
  • There are a ton of activities to choose from. Your partner may not be open to a certain activity right away, or they may not be willing to try something new. Respect their wishes, and be patient, they may come around. This app will allow you to try dozens of new things
  • Don’t put your partner, or yourself, in a box
  • Stop with expectations
  • You will surprise yourself with what you are capable of
  • Your partner will surprise you with what they are capable of
  • Be sure to have SAFE WORDS
  • Safe words are important for EVERYONE, not just those doing more advanced fantasies

We say words like ‘no’ and ‘stop’ every day multiple times a day. Unfortunately this makes them lose their power and it is important during sex that we have the power to stop any activity at any time.


Making a safe word with the understanding that it’s the most powerful word in your relationship. Stronger than “no”, “stop”, or any curse word. You MUST treat this word with ABSOLUTE POWER so that your partner will trust you. The moment you don’t give this word the power it deserves, is the moment you will lose the trust to continue expanding your sexual horizons with your partner.

Make it something you both know you won’t forget, but not something you would naturally use during sex.

There are fantasies where one partner or another is consensually saying “no” or “stop” for the sake of the fantasy. This is another reason why a safe word is so important, so you know when they truly want you to stop.

Scheduling Dates

Pick both male and female lead events so you can experience different things. If you are invited as a recipient to a date, then there’s always the opportunity to re-experience the same date with some role reversal by taking the lead role on your second go around.

Things to remember:

  • Just because your the one setting the date, doesn’t mean you have to take the lead role. Choose recipient if you like. 
  • Choose between ‘nice’ and ‘naughty’. There’s no rules, so schedule one of each for the same day, if you so choose. This
  • Don’t be afraid to try a roleplay event. This may be intimidating at first, but practice makes perfect. 
  • Only pick dates that have surprise elements when your are VERY comfortable sexually and not prone to take offense to most sexual activities. 
  • When you are scheduling the time for the date, set it for the time you will each arrive at the ‘Date Meetup Location’. 

Safe Sex

Discuss the following:

  • Communicate what safe sex means to you both
  • Spread of STDs
  • Birth Control

Help make us better!

Send us ideas for new dates from ‘Submit Idea’.

Let us know if there is a date that can be better.