Self-Care for Him

          Now we’re not trying to insult you guys by implying that you don’t know how to do proper hygiene and grooming. You can think of this guide as more of a reminder to put forward the effort and make an impression come date night. Although some of us men operate more like cavemen and may need the extra tips and advice. Life can get busy and we’re absolutely not short of distractions in this modern age, so be sure to check-in every now and again to make sure you’re doing more in the shower than just hitting the pits and crotch.


Floss! Brush! Scrape! Gargle! It’s best to floss before brushing, because any food, plaque or bacteria released while flossing will remain in your mouth if you leave it for last. Invest in a tongue scraper, it works wonders for bad breath. Finish with an alcohol-free mouth wash that contains hydrogen peroxide.

Shower! Hit every crack and crevice Doing a pass over of each body part one time with the soap and rinsing is not good enough. Lather the soap! If you have hair, then use a shampoo and conditioner that is sulfate and paraben free. These ingredients are harsh on hair and us men need all the help we can get in that department.

Smell good If you’re prone to sweating a lot, then use an anti-perspirant deodorant. Plain old deodorant is meant to mask the odor, but anti-perspirant is there to help reduce both sweat and odor. Be sure you are dry before applying. Consider a body spray for extra measure. 

Skincare: Clean, hydrate, moisturize Don’t use regular soap on your face. Use a facial cleanser. There is is a product for every skin type. Find out which one is right for you here. Hydrate the skin with hyaluronic acid. Finally, moisturize the skin with facial lotion with at least SPF 15.

Keep your nails trimmed Trim your nails once a week. Chewing them doesn’t count. Use the natural curve of your finger as you clip. Don’t go too short on the toenails unless you want ingrown toenails. Clean any dirt under the nails using a file.

Shave/groom facial hair Shave with the grain, then against the grain, it’s not worth the shortcut. If you have facial hair, use a beard oil to moisturize the skin underneath. Use a beard balm to keep the facial hair kempt. Ditch the neck beard guys! It’s not a good look. Neither is facial hair that’s too patchy. You could consider using Minoxidil to fill in those patchy areas.

Hygiene for your man parts Good news gents! There are finally products available to keep the hygiene of your man parts in tip top shape and smelling good! Toppcock is one such product. Just like your deodorant, be sure you are dry before you apply.

Sheer/shave body hair What to do with your body hair? There is a consensus on this: nobody finds the hair on your BACK attractive. Clean it up boys! There are products that will allow you to reach back there. Check out the Manscaper product in our shop for help with cleaning up the hair on your man parts.

Acne Management Be sure the facial cleanser you are using fits your skin type and is non-comedogenic. Try a cleanser that has Salicylic Acid as an active ingredient. Use a facial toner to balance the PH of your skin.


Barber Go out and get a fresh new cut. If you have facial hair, then see a barber that will trim that as well. Things to try: If you’ve never gotten a clean facial shave from a barber, then consider giving it a try.

Do an extra pass with the soap There is probably a very good reason for your scheduled date to recommend Advanced Hygiene and Grooming. Your partner may kiss, lick or nibble on any part of your body. Be sure you are squeaky clean.

Pluck or trim unsightly hairs Feel free to request that your barber trim the excess hair on your eyebrows, otherwise grab those tweezers and get to work. Be sure you groom the nose and ears for unwanted hair. Note: Barbers typically won’t shape your eyebrows. You may want to visit a beauty salon if you need help in this area. 

Use Q-tips Guys if you have frequent earwax buildup, then be sure to include this under Basic as well.

Sheer your legs, forearms, and chest In Basic we had you remove back hair and any excess on your man parts. In advanced, let’s take care of the rest of the body hair by at least managing the length of it with a good trimmer. It’s understandable that many of you might not want to lose that masculine edge by shaving all your body hair. Sheering/trimming is a suitable option for men who don’t wish to completely remove their body hair, as it helps to shorten hair and enhance one’s overall appearance. Although, if you prefer to shave yourself from head to toe, we’re not stopping you.

Breath freshener Keep a breath freshener handy for the big date.

Check out Alpha M. on youtube for great tips for guys trying to look their best: