How It all works:

  Download the app on both Android and IOS. Invite your significant other to do the same, then link with your partner through the menu screen or your profile.

Explore content >>>

 Find the ideal date for you and your partner. ‘Nice’ dates are all about adventure and romance. ‘Naughty’ dates focus on fun in the bedroom.  You could even combine dates.

date invite >>>

 Select a date, then schedule a time and day. Send invite to partner. When partner accepts, add date straight to your phone’s calendar right from the app.

Date night

   Enjoy your date! Stay connected. Try out different dates. Use our guides for info on improving your love life. Explore the shop for a variety of date products.

Teaser of dates featured on the app.

As Fate Would Have It

Red Carpet Makeover

Treat Yo Self


Dream Home


Such a Tease

No Words Neccessary

The platforms that currently exist focus on single people finding dates or even solo gratification. We feel there is not a large market to help couples, not only spend more quality time together, but keep their passion and build a stronger bond. We truly believe this product will allow couples to keep, even reignite the fire in their relationships.

User Testimonials

Dont’t take our word for it – here’s what our users say:

My wife and I work opposite schedules, so it’s nice to be able to schedule a fun night out together. It helps knowing we’ll get the quality time in.

Thomas B.

Shool Teacher, 32 years old

Just had my first date with my wife using this app. It was nice not doing the same old boring thing we’ve done a thousand times, and best part was we didn’t have to communicate a single detail. Can’t wait for the next date!

Ronnie C.

Baseball Coach, 38 years old 

I’ve been with my boyfriend since my first year of college and we were definitely looking to try something new in the bedroom. This app was everything we didn’t know we needed.

Sarah W.

Accountant, 25 years old

Job travel means my husband and I sometimes go weeks without sex. Not only has this given us something to look forward to, but it was also kind of a nice icebreaker ‘to get right to it’ next time we saw each other.

Debra A.

Regional Sales Manager, 49 years old